Japan Explosive Society

Technical committee on explosion & impact processing

Chair, Kazuyuki Hokamoto

Outline and activities

 The technical committee seeking various industrial applications for the use of explosive and other impulsive energetic sources. So far, some explosive materials processing technologies, such as explosive forming, hardening, welding and synthesis have been industrialized. Based on the recent progress in the numerical techniques and the equipment for measurement, it is now possible to invent new technology by controlling conditions precisely.

 The committee intends to promote the research not only for explosive materials processing technologies but the fundamental issues such as explosion and shock-wave phenomena, high-strain-rate deformation and controlled shock-wave generation. We are also interested in broad areas including food processing, sterilization, drag discovery and others.

 Our activities are organizing academic meetings for the purpose of exchange recent achievements and academic tour to research lab and factory, sometimes collaborating with other technical committees. The exchanges include the collaboration with foreign researchers through some supporting events written below. Hope to have many supports who are interested in our activities.

Supporting Events

The followings are the events supported by the committee. Other than the events, we are organizing annual research meetings. We are waiting for the joining the committee.

Yellow Sea Rim Workshop on Explosion, Combustion and other Energetic Phenomena for Various Environmental Issues
(1-2 years interval)

International Symposium on Explosion, Shock wave and High-strain-rate Phenomena
(3 years interval)